G a r y   B o w s e r

author of action-packed thrillers

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Gary Bowser is a retired military officer (USAF, LTC retired) with 60+ years' experience in national security and intelligence. He served two years in Special Operations during the Vietnam conflict. After that, he served in Europe as a HUMINT Case Officer and directed a clandestine HUMINT organization as Operations Officer for over six years.

A Washington DC tour with DIA provided analytic experience as a DIA Directorate of Estimates Branch Chief. In this role he was involved in drafting and coordinating National Intelligence Estimates (NIE) and NATO Military Committee intelligence documents. The analytic experience was seasoned by seeing and being involved, 'up close and personal', in Washington politics.

After retiring from the USAF, he served for three years as an advisor to the Royal Saudi Air Force Chief of Intelligence and the Chief of Air Operations. Living in Riyadh for three years during the Iran-Iraq War plus watching Saudi Arabia trying to generate regional hegemony through the Gulf Cooperative Council was a hands-on graduate-level tactile and intellectual education in Middle East problems and challenges.

Returning from Saudi Arabia, he worked in the defense industry, Magnavox Electronic Systems Company, for seven years as director of classified advance research projects. When the Soviet Union imploded, he saw an entrepreneurial opportunity as Russia reemerged as a country. Along with his family and a friend, retired Colonel Richard Husemann, he built a start-up high-tech company hiring former Soviet scientists and striking a strategic relationship with a former Soviet Star Wars research institute, the Moscow Radio Technical Institute. The startup company had a group of former Soviet military officers and KGB officers as partners. The company marketed security inspection systems and food safety equipment around the world. He led the international business for 14 years before retiring begin a teaching career.

Currently, Gary Bowser is a Professor at the Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security, National American University. He has taught intelligence principles, clandestine operations, HUMINT practical field procedures, and counterterrorism for the past 15 years.

During his 60+ years national security and intelligence work, he conducted intelligence and business operations internationally in more than 40 countries.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the U. S. Naval Academy; a Master of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; a Master of Science in Political Science from Auburn University Montgomery.

Professor Bowser was an instructor at the Air War College and co-authored (with Colonel Paul Nikula, USAF, and Paul Cherry, CIA) the Soviet Studies Course and related curriculum. Professor Bowser instructed a graduate course in Advanced Guidance and Control Theory for Florida State University. He is a graduate of the Executive Program, School of Business University of Michigan; the USAF Command and Staff College; the Counterinsurgency Course; and the U. S Army Airborne School (qualified military parachutist). He is the author of various monographs, articles and studies and holds a number of patents in the area of radiation security inspection devices.